Booking Types

Booking types are utilized to classify time entries. They also determine how the time entry impacts the overall balance, which approval processes are applied, and more. PlainStaff already provides some predefined booking types, but you are free to define your own or customize the predefined ones to suit your needs.
DATEV outage codes & wage types
These fields are only visible if the DATEV integration has been activated. Only if at least one of these two fields is filled, the corresponding times or absences will be considered in the DATEV export.
Usage by employees
This switch determines whether the booking type can be used by employees. When the switch is disabled, the booking type can only be used by administrators.
Allow Manual Usage
If manual bookings for employees are disabled, bookings for this booking type can still be created manually.
Show on team calendar
If bookings with this booking type should appear on the team calendar, this switch must be activated.
Non working time (for workload)
When calculating the workload, these bookings are not considered as working time but as absence.
Approval required
If this switch is activated, approval is required for all bookings of this booking type.
Approval workflow
This field determines whether the approval workflow is 1-stage or 2-stage. A 2-stage approval workflow can be sent in the second stage to the approver’s supervisors or to a fixed list of employees (only available if the absence module is licensed).
Calculation method
This field defines how the booking type affects the overall balance. The following settings are possible:
- Hourly booking limited: The booking has start and end times and is limited to the maximum working time set in the settings.
- Hourly booking limited to target: The booking has start and end times and is limited to the target working time set in the settings.
- Hourly booking unlimited: The booking has start and end times and is not limited (e.g., company meeting).
- Is = Target = 0: The booking covers a whole day. The target for this day is set to 0.
- Is = Target: The booking covers a whole day. The actual working time for this day is set to the target.
- Is = 0: The booking is not counted as working time at all (actual working time is set to 0).
- Is = 0 whole day: The booking is not counted as working time at all (actual working time is set to 0).
This field determines how the booking will be displayed in the statistics:
- Do not evaluate: Do not include in the statistics.
- Vacation: Include in the vacation metric.
- Special leave: Include in the special leave metric
- Sick with certificate: Include in the sick with certificate metric.
- Sick without Certificate: Include in the sick without certificate metric.