Holidays are necessary to calculate the correct target time for employees. The holidays are automatically taken into account for the following countries (the employee only needs to be assigned to the correct region):

  • België
  • Česká republika
  • Deutschland
  • España
  • France
  • Ireland
  • Italia
  • Magyarország
  • Nederland
  • Österreich
  • Polska
  • Portugal
  • Schweiz
  • Slovensko
  • United Kingdom

Here, holidays can be manually entered, which will then be taken into account for other regions or additionally in the regions mentioned above.

The holiday dialog includes the following fields:

  • Holiday type: Type of the holiday. For holidays of the “Company Vacation” type, employees will automatically have a vacation day deducted.
  • Name: Name of the holiday.
  • Date: The date of the holiday (this is the first date of the series for recurring holidays).
  • Valid until (optional): Enddatum der Serie für wiederkehrende Feiertage. Für Serien ohne Ende lasse das Feld einfach leer.
  • Annual recurrence: Indicates whether the holiday repeats every year.
  • Regions: Select the regions for which this holiday is valid. Choose “All Regions” if the holiday is valid in all regions.